Singing his own tune

During his two-year term as a member of the CLBC Editorial Board, Sam Milton contributed his unique perspective to help create publications like this magazine, and to shape other communications.

The CLBC Editorial Board would like to recognize Sam Milton for his two years on the Board. We are grateful for the expertise Sam has contributed as an artist and musician and as an Indigenous young man from the northern B.C. community of Gitsegukla.

We asked Sam about his experience on the board and what has given him hope during this time. Here’s what he had to say:

“Being on the board has been amazing. I met great people and built connections and relationships with people from around the province. It gives me hope to know that CLBC has these meetings to improve and make changes. I encourage people who have services with CLBC to take part and bring their experiences to the organization.

It’s all about change. Especially during this time. It’s about engaging and listening to our stories. It’s about helping each other and being seen as someone who has an important job and important experience to share.”

To learn more about the CLBC Editorial Board, including opportunities to be involved, contact CLBC Self Advocate Advisor Jessica Humphrey at:

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