Advocacy resources are people or groups that help you get what you need and make sure your voice is heard. For example, if you need help with something important in your life, these resources can give you advice and support to make sure you get the help you deserve.
This section includes information and organizations to support you, your caregivers and siblings.
Advocate for Service Quality (ASQ)
The Office of the Advocate for Service Quality (OASQ) is a resource that helps people with developmental disabilities, as well as their families and supporters, to resolve problems and find solutions to complaints or concerns. It helps with conversations between you, your family, government agencies like Community Living BC, and community groups.
Visit the Advocate for Service Quality website here.
BC CEO Network
The BC CEO Network is a group of executive leaders of community social service agencies from across the province who come together to share ideas, offer support and speak up about issues that matter to them. They help each other by holding meetings, talking with government officials and finding solutions to common problems.
Visit the BC CEO Network website here.
BC People First
BC People First Society (BCPF) is made up of a group of members from across British Columbia who want to make sure that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are included and respected in our communities as full citizens. They do this by supporting each other to speak up for themselves and by sharing advocacy skills with each other.
Visit the BC People First website here.
Canadian Centre for Caregiver Excellence
Council of Canadians with Disabilities
The Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD) unites advocacy organizations of people with disabilities to defend and extend human rights for persons with disabilities through public education, advocacy, intervention in litigation, research, consultation and partnerships.
Learn about the Council of Canadians with Disabilities here.
Disabilities Alliance - What can you do if you experience discrimination in Health Care? Help Sheet
ESATTA (Empowering Self Advocates to Take Action)
Family Caregivers of BC
Family Caregivers of BC (FCBC) supports people in BC who provide physical and/or emotional care to a family member, friend or neighbor. FCBC supports caregivers by providing access to information, education and supports that enable caregivers to feel more confident and successful in their important role.
Visit the Family Caregivers of BC website here.
Inclusion BC
Inclusion BC advocates for children, youth and adults with developmental disabilities and their families to ensure justice, rights and opportunities in all areas of their lives. The website has news and updates about disability issues.
Visit the Inclusion BC website here.
SelfAdvocateNet was made by self-advocates with diverse abilities for self-advocates and their supporters worldwide.
The purpose of the website is to share stories and help self-advocates to learn about their rights to equality opportunities and inclusion in their local communities and around the world.
Visit the website at:
Siblings Canada Learning Hub
Siblings Canada raises awareness of the critical role siblings play in creating large and responsive systems of care for people with disabilities. They serve as a source of connection, relevant knowledge, learning and resources for sibling caregivers and Canadian disability service organizations who want to engage and support them.
Through courses, webcasts, and other resources, the Siblings Canada Learning Hub helps siblings build their knowledge of relevant topics, including financial security, mental health, and communicating with family.
Family members, people with disabilities, and service providers can explore the Learning Hub to better understand the experience, perspectives, and needs of siblings as this will ultimately contribute to the long-term wellbeing of people with disabilities.