Equity Groups

Equity groups are groups of people or organizations who work to make sure everyone is treated fairly, especially those who might face more challenges. For example, they help people who are new to Canada or are members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and experiencing challenges to get the same opportunities and support as other people.

This section includes resources and organizations to help everyone feel included and valued.

Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies (AMSSA) of British Columbia 

Aging with Pride – BC Care Providers Association and EngAgeBC

BC Disability - Seniors Resources

Chronically Queer

Dignity Seniors Society (2SLGBTQIA+ Focus)

Forward with Dementia: Chinese, Italian, and South Asian Resources

Jewish Queer and Trans (JQT) Seniors Initiative Community Response Network

The LGBTQI2S Dignity Project

Living My Culture

National Resource Centre on 2SLGBTI Aging

New to B.C. - Settlement Information for Newcomers

Progressive Intercultural Community Services (PICS)

QMUNITY - B.C.’s Queer, Trans and Two-Spirit Resource Centre