Equity Groups
Equity groups are groups of people or organizations who work to make sure everyone is treated fairly, especially those who might face more challenges. For example, they help people who are new to Canada or are members of the and experiencing challenges to get the same opportunities and support as other people.
This section includes resources and organizations to help everyone feel included and valued.
Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies (AMSSA) of British Columbia
Aging with Pride – BC Care Providers Association and EngAgeBC
The BC Care Providers Association and EngAge BC are working with people who run places where seniors live, like retirement homes, to help them understand and support people who are 2SLGBTQI+ (which means people who identify as Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, or use other words to describe their identity).
This webpage has helpful information and resources for those who run these places, the seniors living there, and their families.
Visit the Aging with Pride webpage here.
BC Disability - Seniors Resources
Chronically Queer
Chronically Queer is a support group where 2SLGBTQIA+ identified people with chronic health issues and/or disabilities can come together and share what’s going on in their lives, whether it relates directly or indirectly to their health issues.
Discussion topics include grief and loss, spirituality, dating, sexuality and coming out as someone with a disability. Meetings may also include self-care activities and social events.
Learn about Chronically Queer here.
Dignity Seniors Society (2SLGBTQIA+ Focus)
and those who work with them. They share resources for housing, health, end-of-life, financial planning and community building.
Visit the
Forward with Dementia: Chinese, Italian, and South Asian Resources
Jewish Queer and Trans (JQT) Seniors Initiative Community Response Network
The Jewish Queer and Trans (JQT) Seniors Initiative Community Response Network is a group that supports Jewish seniors who are part of the LGBTQ+ community. They work with other organizations to make sure these seniors don’t feel lonely or have to hide who they are when they move into places like assisted living or nursing homes.
Learn more about the JQT Seniors Initiative Community Response Network here.
The LGBTQI2S Dignity Project
The goal of this project is to improve the conditions of today’s older lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and two-spirit (LGBTQI2S) individuals when they enter long-term care.
Learn about the LGBTQI2S Dignity Project here.
Living My Culture
Quality palliative care helps people honour their culture, spirituality and traditions. On the Living My Culture website, people from various cultures share their stories and wisdom about living with serious illness, end of life and grief to support others.
Visit: LivingMyCulture.ca
National Resource Centre on 2SLGBTI Aging
New to B.C. - Settlement Information for Newcomers
B.C. has many programs and services to help individuals and families settle in their new homes. Here you can find hundreds of different programs and services offered by more than 75 different immigrant and community service agencies. Search the inventory to find programs in your community.
Find Settlement Information for Newcomers on the New to BC website here.
Progressive Intercultural Community Services (PICS)
Progressive Intercultural Community Services (PICS) Society provides programs and services which include Employment Programs, Settlement Services, Language Services, Social Programs and Housing Services. Their services assist new immigrants, seniors, farm workers, women and youth.
Visit the Progressive Intercultural Community Services website here.
QMUNITY - B.C.’s Queer, Trans and Two-Spirit Resource Centre
QMUNITY is an organization that helps people who are queer, trans, and Two-Spirit feel safe and welcome. They create a friendly space where everyone can be themselves and support each other.
Visit the QMUNITY website here.