Mental Health and Substance Use Services

Mental health and substance use services support people who are struggling with their feelings, handling stress or facing challenges. This includes those experiencing anxiety, depression, or using substances that impact one’s daily life, like alcohol or drugs.

These services offer support, counseling and treatment to help people feel better and stay healthy. They also provide a safe place to talk and get advice on handling tough situations. This section includes mental health and substance use resources, services and supports that can help you or someone you care about.

BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services

Canadian Mental Health Association - British Columbia

Community Transition Teams​ 

Developmental Disability Mental Health Services (DDMHS)

Help Starts Here

KUU-US Crisis Line Society 

Mental Health Support - 310-6789 (No Area Code Required)

Peer Assisted Care Teams (PACTs)

Provincial Integrated Mental Health and Addiction Programs

Suicide Crisis Helpline - 9-8-8 Service

1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) 
