
Transportation is how we get from one place to another, like walking, using a car, bus or bike. When people get older, having good transportation helps them go to the doctor, visit friends and stay active so they can keep doing the things they enjoy.

This section includes different ways to help you travel to get to people and places that are important for you to stay healthy as you age.

Accessible Taxis in B.C.

BC Ferries Accessible Fare Identification (AFI) Card

BC Ferries Seniors Discounts

BC Transit - Community Travel Training

BC Transit - Orientation Training

Disability Travel Card

First Nations Health Authority - Transportation for Medical Appointments and Travelling to and from Substance Use Treatment Centres

Flight Discounts in Canada

HandyPass and Taxi Saver

Health Connections Travel Assistance

Hope Air

Medical Transportation Supplements

Seniors on the Move - Transportation Access and Resources

Sparc BC - Parking Permits

TransLink - Taxi Saver Programs

Transportation Supplement / BC Bus Passes