Information for Families Sheets
The series of information sheets for individuals and families in this section answer common questions, and provide important information about key CLBC supports and processes.
Translated information sheets on Eligibility, Employment, Getting CLBC Services, Home Sharing, Planning and Youth in Transition are available on this page in the following languages:
- Arabic / عربي
- Chinese (Simplified) / 简体
- Chinese (Traditional) / 繁體
- Korean / 한국어
- Punjabi / ਪੰਜਾਬੀ
- Vietnamese / Việt Ngữ
Eligibility (with translated versions)
CLBC has an eligibility policy to help people understand the eligibility criteria, and to help staff make consistent and fair decisions. This information sheet answers some common questions about our eligibility policy.
Translated versions:
Employment (with translated versions)
CLBC’s vision is one of full citizenship where the people we serve live in communities of belonging and lead lives with connection. Employment is key to creating a good life. CLBC has an Employment Policy that brings focus to the importance and value of employment in the lives of the individuals that CLBC supports.
This information sheet answers some community questions about CLBC employment supports.
Translated versions:
Getting CLBC Services (with translated versions)
When you first come to CLBC, you may or may not know what services your family member could benefit from. You may be looking for some family respite, or support for them to find a job, or support to take part in community activities or support to live in their community.
This information sheet explains how a CLBC facilitator can help you understand what services are available in the community, what CLBC provides, and how we determine what services we can offer. It also provides information about the consistent approach CLBC staff use to make fair decisions about services.
Translated versions:
Individual Financial Contributions for Home Supports
CLBC has an Individual Financial Contribution to Home Supports policy that provides information about the monthly amount people CLBC supports will pay for shelter and basic living costs when required. This information sheet answers some common questions about this policy.
Individualized Funding
Individualized Funding (IF) assists individuals to participate in activities and live in their communities in the way that works best for them.
IF enables individuals to use money allocated to them by CLBC to create new, innovative service options and to make individual choices about how the supports and services they require are provided.
This information sheet answers common questions about Individualized Funding.
Home Sharing (with translated versions)
CLBC funds a variety of residential services. Home sharing is one residential support service that many eligible adults and their families choose. This information sheet answers some common questions about home sharing.
Translated versions:
L.I.F.E. Service
L.I.F.E. stands for Learning, Inclusion, Friendship
and Employment. It was designed together with
CLBC staff, individuals, families, and service
providers. It is service for individuals interested
in employment, but who also want help learning
new things, connecting to their community,
and making friends. It is open to anyone who is
eligible for support from CLBC
Download the information sheet on L.I.F.E Service
Planning (with translated versions)
CLBC connects people to community and connects people to services. An important starting point is helping individuals and their families plan for the future and changes throughout a person’s life. This information sheet answers some common questions about how CLBC supports individuals and families to plan.
Translated versions:
Youth Transitioning to Adult Services (with translated versions)
CLBC has a youth transition support policy that describes CLBC’s role for assisting youth and their families before a youth turns 19. This information sheet answers some common questions about CLBC’s role for supporting youths transitioning to adult services.
Translated versions:
Supports Funded by CLBC
CLBC funds a variety of supports to strengthen individuals’ and their families’ ability to thrive, to facilitate participation in community, and to help people live in their homes. This info sheet shares some information about each of these supports: